Home Is Right Out Your Window


This is me Updating my Blog.

I'm not dead, in case you were wondering : )
You wanna know what it is? Giiiiirl, Im'ma tell you what it is. Here it isssss, hold mah purse.

GRADUATION, Senior All-Nighter, Rainy/windy days off work and sunny/hot days while I'm at work, too much money spent on online shopping (F-YOU F21) and Rock Revival jeans (only cost me half of my soul, what a bargain!), California Pizza Kitchen, Gourmandies, Koko Kitchen, Reese's Puff cereal rockin' my world 3 times a day, New friends and Best friends, MY DAD HAS FOUND A WOMAN, thinking about my dorm, Joining the MUSS.

Now let me just rant for a sec.
I absolutely hate it when people are flakey and cannot follow through plans that THEY made.
They'll text you how much they're "so down!!!" to hang out, but then no one ends up doing anything. OR, they'll take hours to actually get the thing going. ORROROROROOROROR (like a seal, huh?) you'll end up sitting at someone's house for an entire night because no one will decide on something and go out. Im wasting my precious summer; need reliable friends.
Don't eat sugary breakfast cereals before bed/blogging or you get sassy.
I do it all the time and never learn.

Weebly has limited the amount of picture bytes I can upload.
Feast your eyes upon a few of my photos. 

The Only Thing Im addicted to Right Now is Winning.

I have just discovered why Charlie Sheen is THE MAN. 
Even though drugs and alcohol melted his brain, he has a way with words. (Ha!) 
www.charlieswinning.com, find quotes, news, and other junk about him.
"If you're a part of my family, I will love you violently,"
"Dying is for fools."
Take a peak at the video on the bottom of this post! He is serious, my friends. 

This is the last Friday of my entire high school life.
The Goodbye Assembly was today also; so many tears! I'm sure it's hit all seniors by now that we're moving on to another part of our lives.
High school was so easy. What the heck am I going to do with myself in college.
Party. That's what I'll do.

Sunday Mornin' Rain is Fallin'.

I learn something new and immature everyday.

Well, we all made it through the beginning of the end of the world.
Not exactly the apocolypse everyone expected. I am preeeetttty happy, cause my last moments would have been spent at work.
Maybe this crazy rainy weather is a sign of impending doom?!
On Friday I woke up at 4AM to hail that could shatter windows! Did anyone else experience this?! 
Not to mention the constant rain and thunder all week long. How unfortunate.

On Thursday, My dad and I drove up to Provo and took my cousins Marci, Mitchell, and his new girlfriend out to eat at Mimi's Cafe. I am so happy for him; she's a nice girl! But, he'll be going to Texas for an internship for two months on monday. I hope long distance relationships are real! I also loveylove the honey-bran muffins they have at Mimi's Cafe. You bet I got more than one.

Shoutoutoutoutout: I need to say that Sam Lee makes divine homemade eggrolls. I really wish I had a picture for you guys, but they were so good I just ate them all instead! Im a fool, I know! It was so nice seeing her over the weekend, since she's been up at the U and I haven't seen her in a year! Missed you, woman.
However, today was an exceptional day. During sacrament, we had a visiting missionary speak about life, family and missionary work. I really loved a certain part of his talk; he said that our lives are like a painting made of thousands of brush strokes, and everything you do and say are a brush stroke adding to the picture. Your actions determine how beautiful the painting is in the end. So basically, we are all working towards something beautiful, folks! Let's make pretty pictures. I also am beginning Relief Society with the...older women. Party?

I have some new stuff for you at There's Something On Your Chords.

I Whip My Hair Back and Forth.
(New Haircut!)


Here's to the Nights We Felt Alive.

I have just been to the last high school dance of my life.
Too much dancing, fun, and laughter.
You bet I was sore the next day.

Go Tell Yo Mama Her Gumbo is the Best.

It's Mother's Day and I just got one-upped by my mom's "boyfriend" in gifts.
You guys are so lucky that your parents aren't dating again.
But hey, the level at which I love my mom is like infinity plus can't-touch-this. So I basically have him beat forever.
Plus, she let me eat all the candy and goodies he brought : )
Can I just say how much my mom is so cool? Cool. Cause she's cool. Cool?  
I've been having a lot of financial problems in this last week, with restaurants overcharging me (I will NEVER eat at Sampan again!!!!!!!!) and my paychecks being incorrect; she's been by my side and there to talk to anyone until the problem was fixed. She's like my little Korean bodygaurd! I hope she had a great Mother's Day, as well as all the other fine mamas out there.  

Just a random thought:
Every day since the beginning of the earth, and every day of your life and everyone else's life has been different; no day has been the same, or ever will be. And there's no one in the history of the world who has lived a day or life exactly like yours. You will never have yesterday back, or the previous hour back, time only moves forward. That's deep, right? So make every second of your life great. Wasting days is bad.

"Say 'Crack' again."

That has nothing to do with what I'm about to say.
I just like Mean Girls.

My local FedEx Kinkos is hiring. 
You know what that means? Oh yes, you do.  
It sounds like it would be zero fun, but I heard the pay is pretty good so I'll be applying.
Of course, Mr. FedEx himself, my dad, brought it up.
How funny would that be; having FedEx run in the family like that.

...it actually wasn't that funny, huh?
But this cat picture thing I found is.
Seriously, who has time to do weird stuff like this? They should never stop.

She Spoke Words That Would Melt in Your Hand.

Hi Fools and Foolsettes,
I am blogging while in class.
One of the office secretaries came up to me in the hallway this morning and asked, "I thought you graduated already???"
Dude. Seriously. I'm carving tally marks on the wall counting the days like I'm in jail.

Yesterday was a really good day!
After ditching school early to take a nap at home, I went to Baskin Robbins with my bossy friend Laura. I have not been there since elementary school! I forgot how yummy it was; I got "Chocolate Dipped Strawberry" flavored ice cream. It was more chocolatey than strawberry, but I am just fine with that. Then after, we went to the mall to mess around and spend some money. We have been to 3 different malls in the course of 2 days. I ended up buying a dress for senior dinner dance out of desperation, and I don't think I like it. It's hot pink and completely out of what I would normally wear, but I don't exactly have time or options to search for another considering I've already scoped all the malls in the valley. I wish there was a store called "Only Things Karen Would Like" that had everything I needed at a good price.

Then, in the evening, my mom brought home Cafe Rio for my brother and me for din-din.
Don't get the chicken; the pulled pork is, by far, the best. I have learned my lesson.
(I also found out that my friend Jimmy works at Cafe Rio and can get me a 50% discount!!)
After dinner, my cute mom took some senior photos for me, since I don't like the ones I took over the summer. We drove to every railroad track/golden field we could find, then ended up at senior-picture-cliche-ville, Daybreak Lake. It was so windy and cold, and the time of day was terrible cause everything was all shadowy, but my cute mom beared with me. My little nonprofessional digital camera pulled through and got some quality pictures (that look  better in printed form, atleast.)

If you haven't listend to the Two Door Cinema Club, do so immediately. I made a CD for my car that has all their songs and I just JAM all the way to school and everywhere I go. My hair is in a meatball/bun on the top of my head and it dances with me. If the hair likes it, you know it's good.


Bingo Was His Name-O.

Here's a fun idea for those of you who just looooveylove fast and testimonial sacrament meetings.
Just play a little BINGO with all those fancy testimonies you hear.
***DISCLAIMER***  bearing testimonies should be taken sensitively, spiritually, and like a mature adult, so this game should only be for those who have a sense of humor and/ or are immature :) This is only meant to be lighthearted fun, no offense whatsoever. It's things we all do!  
Just draw an even grid and fill the squares with the following suggestions in red:
1. The little kid whose mouth is too close to the microphone and everything comes out a little too loud (the Yeller)
2. The lady who cries so much you can't understand a word she says (the emotional)
3. The people who tell you their life stories/every little situation they've faced (the TMI)
4. The people who make their testimonies TOOOO long (the time-killer)
5. The person who goes up to speak every single time (the rerun)
6. The kid who talks too fast (the turbo)
7. The kid who mumbles (the mumbler)
8. The kid who has to have their parent whisper thier testimonies in their ear (the cheater)
9. The person who takes advantage of one too many Kleenex
(the user)
10. The one who keeps it to the point
(the git-r-done)
11. The person who likes to use "Uhhh, uhmmm"
12.  Take a spot for when the Bishop bears his testimony
13. Give yourself a spot for going to bear your own testimony!!
etc., etc., you can always make up your own!

Anwhosen, I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Due to confusion, I will not be changing my blog name. I deleted it in the post below, so pretend I never mentioned it. Cacakarebear lives on. 

El Gato In My Pantalones.

I just attempted to switch my blog over to Blogspot because I feel that I am the only person on earth using Weebly.
Is it weird that I wanted to cry? That was some complicated technological stuff.
Until I get some tutorage, my blog will remain on Weebly.

Some good news: I got my camera replaced : ) I didn't have to pay a cent! I just hope it never happens again. I might not be so lucky next time!

So I get REALLY excited when I find good music! I went to this concert for a class last year, and there was this teenage girl who opened for the main band. Her name was Sayde Price; her voice was...interesting. But THEN, I was looking around on itunes the other night and noticed that the name sounded familiar. I listened to it and, behold, it was the same girl, only her music sounded BETTER and I didn't find her voice so strange! Oh my. I downloaded the WHOLE thing and Im in love. I really recommend it. I would post a sample from youtube, but the only footage is her live, and I despise live music recordings. Don't watch those, it will ruin the experience.

The school year is wrapping up and my motivation to go to school is nonexistant. However, I still have a lot of tests to take and projects to do :/ College is starting to freak me out. I really don't know what I want to do. 
I'm also on the lookout for a higher paying job for the summer, or at least a second job that I can work in the mornings. How else am I supposed to pay for all my SesameStreetSingalongDVD'S I mean what? I also need a job on campus when it comes to it. This isn't livin'.  
Whelp, it's Friday night and I'm off work early. I'll be spending some quality time with the televeision and a bag of whole wheat pita chips and hummus....which taste so much better than chips and dip and are so much healthier! If you haven't tried it, please do! It's my lucky night, 17Again is on. Zac Efron is umm...pretty hot....but this stays between you and me. Have a good night everyone!

P.S.- I said goodbye to my Facebook account for a little while. Be back Lata.  

Lard and Failure.

I have just consumed 90 grams of unneccessary saturated fat.
...And lived long enough to be blogging right now. Raise the roof.
I feel gross, but it tasted SO good. It's going straight to my arm flab/wombat wings and maybe I'll be able to fly tomorrow.

Today was just "One of Those Days." The kind where everything smells like tuna.
I had to go to the Lao New Years Festival with my Humanities 1100 group for a project, AFTER I had woken up late and had 15 minutes to get ready. 
While taking photos there, I managed to DROP my week-old camera on a pile of rocks. Who does that?
So now the screen is busted and I am in self-hatred.
Finished off the night at work, covering for someone else's shift, when I could have been in Provo for a family dinner. Good things may come from this unfortunate day!
I hope the people at Best Buy will mercy me tomorrow.

~*~*~*~*~* I hope everyone's Easter was fun and full of remembrance! *~*~*~*~*~

Lookin' for a boyfriend? I see that.

Did you know that I hate wearing pants? Jeans are so confining; I'm a peacock, you gotta let me fly! I want to wear dresses everday, but it's so hard to find dresses that are both cute and long enough to cover my behiney. 

I love spending time in Orem and Provo and seeing all my favorite people. It makes me want to be in college even more! I'm such a wittle baby! Of course, I always hope to scope out some mighty fine men while in the area, but I didn't find any. C'mon guys, quit hiding! I was able to meet up with some friends for a breakfast-for-dinner get together at my friend Ben's apartment. He taught me who Terry Tait was, then made me toast. Aftwerwards, all the party people went to Macy's and bought a few tubs of ice cream and headed over to Cesquirrelia's apartment to eat.
In the morning, Miyuki and I went to the University Mall to shop around. We went to this Rip-Off Indian store to buy expensive bracelets made of string, saw a he-she who walked in heels better than anyone I know, then went to the Land of Yogurt and Infinite Toppings. That day, my life became complete.

Back at home, my mom took my brother and me to our favorite Korean Restaurant, Myung-Ga, to celebrate my late brithday. She made me this HEVEANLY chocolate-chocolate chip cake with creamy frosting and fresh strawberries on top. She even left me a vase of Easter Lillies and candy in my bedroom, since Im an Easter baby. How thoughtful! Thanks mom! Not to mention, I got some excellent gifts from Miyuki for my future dorm! I love it!

Okay, first thing that pops into your head when I say.......BIG TIME RUSH!
I think that you're thinking what I think you would be thinking. So stop it.
But HE-LLO, they're winning the hearts of all Nickelodeon watchers out there.
I would know, I still watch Spongebob Squarepants.
Listen to "Boyfriend" or "Halfway There" and tell me that you didn't find yourself doing a head-dance bob thing with your face all squinched up with happiness.

Please avert your attention to the photo of my good friend Benjamin holding bacon, as well as the other lovely photos from my Spring Break in slideshow form.  

I Find Things.

Dear kids who think 4/20 is just the raddest thing out there and/or better than Christmas,
    Nothing is better than Christmas. I'm telling your mom what you did today.

Guess how many customer's at work thought I was Japanese today?
Less than 6, more than 4.
But, I told the scary lady wearing leather pants that I was, so she wouldn't hurt me. Her breath was stinky :(

So, I just thought I would share some fun things with you guys.

Dear Blank, Please Blank
This is basically a website where people submit "Dear ____, Please ____" messages. A lot of them are funny and clever! Some are lame or vulgar, so just a warning. I usually get a few laughs out of some of them.

Cutest Indie/Vintage Dresses EVAH

I'm sure everyone has seen the ModCloth ads on Facebook, but this is seriously cute stuff. I ordered a dress from this website for a dance a few months ago and it was classy and gorgeous. My package even came with a free gift! It was this cute black and white patterned headband.

Read it and weep. Seriously.
Miyuki told me about this website, and I just still cannot believe she reads this stuff! People submit stories about miracles and kindness. Pretty sure 99% of the stories are lies. But they are really cute, nevertheless. See for yourself.

Go make some nice Prezi's
This is kind of nerdy, but this is the COOLEST way to make a presentation and it's FREEEE.  It's so cool, it's not even in the same category as a powerpoint. You create and save your presentation online; you'll never need a thumbdrive! And it will upload and show on almost every single computer, all you have to do is log onto your account! The features are so entertaining that when you present in class, the students and teachers will be wowed.

Don't breathe in my ear canal.

I bought a new digital camera.
It's bright red.
I feel fantastic.   

Spring break starts this week! I feel like the last person on earth to finally get a spring break. And what a GREAT time to have it when my buds all have their college finals this entire week. Miyuki and I managed to plan a day where everyone could spare a few hours to visit and hang out, and I'm really looking forward to it! Other than that, I still have to go to my "college" classes in the mornings (yeah right) and work for the 5 measly days I get off from high school. Not much of a thuuuper awesome break, but I'll take whatevas I can get!

A great technological feat has occured in my household: today we UPGRADED to DirectTV (I don't think the Dish Network we had even exists anymore?) and have the snazzy DVR features and a ton of channels and  junk we don't know how to use. We also changed our internet provider so no more internet problems! We are finally tech savvy!

Some things I discovered about myself:
- I don't like when people whisper in my ear. It makes my ear hurt and my butt tingle in a bad way.
- I need to delete all the live music off my iPod, because all you can hear are crazy girls in the audience screaming.
- I feel most confident when I look different than others.
- I eat cereal at least 3 times a day and need to cut back.
- Sometimes I wish I had to wear glasses, cause some of them are just so cute.

Home Means Nevada, Home Means the Hills.

It has been about a week since I last had internet connection in my home. So, here I am at my neighbor's house stealing his WIFI. What a good neighbor. Must play Words With Friends while I still have a connection!! (Add me: Tokyodrift -_-)

~~Updates on my birthday and my grandma's funeral~~
    After the long drive to Logandale, we got to my grandpa's house around 10:30pm. When I walked in I got a big "Happy Birthday!" from my wonderful family, as well as many cards and even a cake! I did not expect it at all; it was too sweet. Thanks for all the Facebook and text birthday wishes also, friends. It really meant a lot. 
    Seeing all my family come together from all across the U.S. was such a great feeling. There was so much support and love. Everyone hit the sack and set their alarms for 7am. (My cousin Matthew and his wife entertained us to sleep with a discussion of  the latest SNL episode; I was SO happy to hear that they watch it too! They even knew about Denise!)
In the morning, we headed down to the church to prepare the services and set up decorations. It was way too early, if you ask me; we were all there and ready to go by 8. Everyone looked fresh in their church-wear, of course. All kinds of extended family came in, and I met so many people I apparently am related to. I was happy to meet Uncle Bob, he's this rich guy from Vanuatu who likes to give a lot of money for weddings; he'll be on my invite list FORREAL. 
    When we did the viewing, the water-works were off the wall. My grandma looked beautiful, but you just knew it wasn't her inside. Just like a shell. The "real" her was somewhere else. This was the first time I actually felt and understood that there is something after death.  I learned that my grandma passed from a severely spreading cancer; they did not have time to find out what it was specifically. It had spread to her lungs and was killing her too quickly. My grandpa is so strong and such a great man. I knew he was content with his wife's passing and understood Heavenly Father's plans. I just feel so bad knowing that he is living alone now. 
    You know how in movies, it always rains during funerals? It rained and hailed on everyone, in the middle of a normally hot Nevada. What a miracle! Then all the grandchildren had to perform a musical number: Home Means Nevada - which is the Nevada state song. We learned the lyrics in ten minutes; you could imagine how that sounded. It was accompanied by my cousin Mitchell on the Ukulele; he's so good! There were so many people who attended. When my uncle read the eulogy, I learned about so many good services and about all the compassion my grandma had.
    THEN, food time. Funeral potatoes! Greasy, cheese soaked, potatoes. Just what everyone needs after crying. We found little mystery hairs in them. But that didn't stop my dad from eating them. Yummy.
 Also, my Grandma was able to give me some of her old, vintage  jewelery before she passed and I absolutely love it! It's a gorgeous torquise bracelet and ring set! Pictures soon.

I love my family and Nevada; I hope everyone is doing alright.
"When you die, you will meet God." Saw it on a billboard on the way to Logandale.

"It will feel better once it stops hurting." Well duh.

My Grandma Bohn passed away early yesterday morning. It's hard to accept because this is the first time someone actually dear to me has left our world. It's always different when it happens to so close to you as opposed to happening to a friend of a friend or to someone on the news. It's going to be a long 5 hour drive to Logandale, Nevada. I have to miss work from both my jobs this weekend, I hope they won't hate me. I'll miss you, Grandma. You were the master of crossword puzzles and blanket making. You were such a good woman, only the highest kingdom for you! :)
Unfortunately, this is also my birthday week and I'll be spending it at the funeral.

This past week has been kind of a down period. I don't have motivation to go to school or see anyone. I've become impatient and easily annoyed. I really need a pick-me-up...and for college to come faster. 

I've decided to invest in a spankin' new digital camera, so maybe I'll make extra effort to take some pictures and put them on my blog. Happy birthday to myself :) I hope all you guys are looking forward to it. Have you noticed my new blog design? You likey?

I have put in my two weeks at the place of my misery: Simply Sushi. The way it happened was a little off-base. I was about to walk out that night after calling my manager in tears, not even finishing my shift because I was so angry! But I realized how bad that would have looked and settled with the two weeks. Well, the point is that it's in. A new chapter may begin.

I'm Fresh.

Have you ever wanted to go shopping so bad that you're willing to spend any money you have? 
Story of my life. 
When I say that all I need is a pair of sandals, I usually end up buying everything but the afformentioned sandals.
I have a sickness. Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery. Pray for me, guys.

Tonight at Tepanyaki, one of the younger sushi workers and his friend came up to me and said, 
"There's something we've been wanting to tell you for a long time...."
I don't know what that is supposed to mean. Does it mean I'm saucy? As I walked away, one of them asked me if I wanted some chocolate. I thought they were being creepy so I said no. But there really was chocolate. And I ended up eating it. 

I recently found out that my blog has broken 10 of the 10 rules on Marie Taylor's "Blogging for Dummies" post. I win blog fail of the century, maybe? But I mean, what can I say, I like to get down to business and skip all the fluff. Just think of it as reading my diary which = cool. Not seeing pictures makes me a mystery....? Hopefully my words have enough grist to keep you reading, or otherwise, bores you enough to quit reading this and move on to another blog.

"What is with you gays; are you that repulsed by lady parts? What do you think I have down there, a gnome?" Im in love the movie Easy A. I will be honest, I mostly love to stare at Cam Gigandet. Hubba hubba. As far as guys need to know, there is gnome down there. The same one from the Travelocity commercial.

Friday; I'm in Love.

Tomorrow is Friday. I have no school. No work. You know what this means?

Today, I told a customer that I hated them. It was meant to be a joke. But I think he took it personally. I felt so bad. I know for a definite fact that this means I am a hazard to the happiness of the public. I need to work with rocks and computers, not human beings. Then, I said "gay" to Danny, who is gay. I'm really killin' it today.
I also visited the Elementary school I volunteer at. I love these first graders, they're so stinkin cute! I picked up my bag of Valentines (I obviously haven't gone to volunteer in a few weeks...oops.) and they were just the most funny things! They all call me "Miss Karen" and gave me Spongebob cards. How did they know I LOVE Spongebob?! Today was show and tell. This is how it went:
"For show and tell I brought my GIANT caterpillar. Oh, and these are my silly bands."
Next person, "I um, these are my silly bands... and um...that's all"
Next next person, "These are my SILLY BANDS, I got them for Christmas."
Hahhaahah blasted silly bands.

Random thought: you know how fifth graders have to go through "Maturation" ? My little brother used to think that the box of pads in the bathroom cupboard were diapers cause I couldn't stop pooping myself. And this was AFTER the maturation program. Wow, someone didn't grasp the concept. (TMI?)

I keep reminiscing the summer days of 2010, and I want them back. Im planning on this summer being ten times more legit. Please, take me somewhere cool.

One of my soon-to-be roommates emailed me the other day. Her name is Adriana and she's from Las Vegas. Getting to know her made me so eager to move into our dorm! Did I mention that she's an in-store model for Abercrombie and Fitch? Not even kidding. She's LDS, loves to exercise, and is going into the same major I signed up for; how convenient to have someone like me! I hope she's a neat freak.  

"Yesterday, I said hi to some Mexican chick that I thought was you."

How do you respond to something like that? Especially if it's a conversation starter. I used to think I was one of a kind, but apparently there is a Hispanic woman out there who was born from the same Asian mother. My life is complete.

Now....I would just like to take a moment to say how much I hate the idea of celebrities. They are 98% worthless to the growth and development of the world. Where's the fame for people who work hard to get college degrees and do something for a living that actually SAVES lives or helps the Earth? HOLLA to all of those out there. Celebrities are sexylicious, but they cannot perform foot surgery on 50 dying grandmas.

Anywhoser, I received my first scholarship last weekend! It's from the U, but it doesn't tell me how much the scholarship is for...sketchy? I also got a scholarship rejection letter the same night. I gess I wadn't smahrt enuff foh dat wun.

"We are not defined by our actions. What defines us is how we rise after falling." I watched Maid in Manhattan over the weekend and heard that beautiful piece of work. Just thought I'd share. I also watched Napoleon Dynamite over the weekend with Miyuki and Co. I didn't know that the movie was made by Mormons! And that Jon Heder is a return missionary. Cool beans, right? Now he's qualified as a celebrity, which I apparently hate, ha!

Future investments:
1.) T-Rex dinosaur suit.
2.) iPhone 5
3.) Kazookeylele
4.) Buy the love of that one curly haired guy from the Harvard Sailing Team. We can make jokes together.

Im going to make like a baby and head out. Worky time. 

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we will accidentally watch the Justin Bieber movie and actually like it."

Happy birthday to my mom!
Lucky woman took the entire day off work and got to play while my brother and I were at school. We went to this delicious Korean tofu house in Fort Union for dinner to celebrate. She even bought a Swiffer Wetjet to give as a present to herself.

So...I got the Tepanyaki job! They even had me start on the spot!...Well after I hurried to buy some flip flops and find the first black pair of clean socks at home, ("Oh I forgot to tell you, you can't wear ankle socks." -_- AFTER I had already come back from home.) The whole flip flop between the sock-covered-toe thing is comfortable for about .21 seconds, but whatever enhances the Asian illusion. I get to wear sweats under my kimono and noooooo one will know... BONUS! Now trying to get spring break off from TWO jobs is going to kick me in the butt.

To finish off the night, my mom invited me to do P90X with her (the dreaded Ab Ripper workout once again). I did 5 minutes of the routine, then had to stop after the "crunchy frog" to lay on the couch, where I stayed for the rest of the workout. I definitely felt the burn.

I really need a good book to read.

Never Live the Same Day Twice.

Here I am watching "The Last Song" for the second time in a row and imagining that the guy in the film is my future hubby. He is very golden and buff. I'm feeling a Denise moment coming on, "I like can I touch?" -SNL hahahhahaa
Because I'm missing out on prom for the third and last year. Is it cause Im creepy? Yes, creepy it is. Boys don't like that.
Brightside - I have a free day of work off (!!!!) since I had this day requested off in case I got asked. It reminds me how much I LOVE being able to relax at home on a weekend for once. I kind of never want to go back to work after this... but I really need that cash flow.... ya know.... to make it rain.
So, this is what I've done today:
-Movies watched: The Last Song (twice), Ponyo, The Proposal.
-Did my friend Micah's hair and makeup for prom. I do work.
-Ate some WONDERFUL homemade chajjungmyun (Sweet black bean sauce over thick udon noodles)
-Trying to find a list of 25 food products that come from other countries. Lame assignment = duh.

Guys, I have an interview at TEPANYAKI tomorrow. I hope I get this job. It's funny cause my entire goal was to get away from the food business/sushi/smelly clothes and hair type of job, and move into retail or something. But I guess Tepanyaki has a kind of class that the place im at now doesn't have. I would get to wear a kimono. Cool.

On Friday I met with a biology advisor at the University of Utah and came out feeling like worthless, expired yogurt; the kind with the nasty fruit chunks in it. Chunky yogurt will be the first thing to go once I become Emperor of the Americas, hear you me.
He set up a plan for me to get a Bachelor's in Biology, but with a pre-med emphasis for medical school, and mushed it into 3 painfully not-happening-able years. I've never felt so dumb and incapable. So, I decided to scratch that and look into other possible majors and careers. I've come to the conclusion of being a......DIETITIAN. Heck yeah.
After that, my dad and I went to the Museum of Fine Arts and tried to culture ourselves with masterpieces n' junk. The coolest thing about the museum were the hardwood floors, according to my dad. We laughed at the picture of a woman breastfeeding, nips and all. We are so sophisticated. I finished off the day with a ZUPAS feast with good ol' Miyuki. It's always good times when she's in town.

Hot dang, golden buff guy just made out with mith Miley on the beach, under a steamy sunset. THAT SHOULD BE ME!

I Would Not Like Them Here or There, I Would Not Like Them Anywhere.

I am currently trying to put together a job resume.
I don't know how this is more important than doing my assignments which are due tomorrow.
My resume is very....empty....so I will stop thinking about how many jobs I will not get and eat some cereal instead.
Maybe if I put a joke on there, "Wanna hear my pizza joke?.....it's too cheesy."

Yesterday, I watched "I Am Sam" and just criiiiiied and criiiiiied. I mean, my flood gates are normally easy to open, but my goodness whenever Sam would read Green Eggs and Ham or eat his freakin' PANCAKES, I cried. Special people just pull on my heartstrings. I've attached the movie trailer on the bottom of this post; the quality of the sound is bad, but the point is that anything that made me blubber like a child has to be good. If you have seen it, and didn't like it, Im afraid we can't be friends until you get a soul.

I made rootbeer float cookies today, as inspired by my friend Miyuki who made them with her man earlier in the week. My good neighbor Sean came over and had a nice chat as well; I haven't talked to him for the longest time and he only lives across the street, woooooow! The cookies were dry, lumpy, rocks of rootbeer floaty deliciousness. I don't know why they came out in the exact same tumor shape as when I put them in, instead of flattening out. I put in all the right stuff! Did that happen to you, Miyuki? Ehhh, but they were good enough.

So my mom's in the living room doing P90X right now....and she sounds like a FOOL, in pain and all that junk. But no one tell her I said that. I thought you were made of STEEEEEL, ma. But I guess any workout called the "Ab Ripper" would hurt a lot. 
Love you, mom.

"That was a 6, you don't want to see me at a 10." Sums up my patience level.

Is it so wrong that I love the band U2? I am not ashamed.

I would just like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dad. Although it was his day of birth, he took my brother and me out to Olive Garden. I knew he was a cool father; LOVE that guy. You don't look a day over your age :)
On Friday I went to a housing tour at the University of Utah. I was able to see one of their model rooms...and....I swear my kidnies failed. There was ONE closet with two bars in it, meant for both my roommate's AND my own clothes. I mathematically calculated that it just wasn't going to work. The worst part was when I saw the bathroom.....the toilet and the shower were in a locker-room-style stall. Why was I the only one surprised about this?!? The paint on the walls and the sinks were crying, I swear. I've always had anxiety about the whole 6 girls, one toilet, thing. I mean...what if my roommate is taking a number 2, and then I suddenly have to take a number 2 but have to wait an hour cause she takes her sweet time? I CAN'T WAIT FOR THINGS LIKE THAT! I just can't. Plus rent is expensive AND Freshman are supposed to pay $3,000 for a meal plan.
But some good things I discovered:
-Getting to do laundry for FREE :) (Well, without having to use coins, but Im sure they'll charge me somehow)
-FREE trax and bus rides
-Potentially hot boys living on the same floor
-Study rooms in case your roommates are loud and retarded
Im nervous overall. Mainly about the toilet.

After I got off work early last night (yayayayay) a bunch of friends got into a neighborhood LDS church and played a rousing game of basketball. I'll just call myself Yao Ming and leave it at that...mostly cause he's Asian. Whatever happened to that guy? If he turned into a creeper or something, I take back the whole, "Call me Yao Ming," thing.

HEY! I have fans who read my blog, other than the wonderful Miyuki Stewbear! I'M ON FI-YA!!!
Thank you to Marie Taylor for writing about this fine piece of blog! (check her out at www.beginagaincardigan.blogspot.com, and Miyuki's at www.miyukibear3.blogspot.com) Loved the diahhrea comment, girl. Their blogs are more delicious because of all the cute graphics and crazy pictures, which I lack; more because I have a disease that doesn't allow me to do such things, and Weebly just makes it not so fun. I wouldn't have started blogging if it weren't for you two! The end.

Things That Make the Pterodactyl Inside Me Rage  (My pet-peevie weevies)

1.) Putting the dollar sign after the amount. 1$ = idiot.
2.) Using "your" where there should be a "you're" or "there" instead of "their."
3.) Addingg doublee letterss to everyything //::
4.) Hood talk in type and voice, "Whass gud cuhh, thass gay mang, naw'm  sayin."
5.) Cussing! Poopoo-platter mouths.
6.) Not doing what you said you would do.
7.) Onions!!!! All of them.
8.) NOT WEARING YOUR SEATBELT. It looks cooler than gore all over the car, that'll stain your carpet, forreal.
9.) "I seen you the other day!"

Peru is Home to Lake Titicaca

Lately, I've had the urge to clean and rearrange my room. I cleaned out my entire closet, first. Someone PLEASE get me a walk in closet with a wall of shelf space! So I can keep my Hey Arnold bubblegum shrine in there...uhh I mean...what? Im going to work on the rest of my room today. How fun!

This past week had many ups and downs. Tuesday was Senior Night for the basketball team, and I was lucky enough to get to be presented with the Varsity boys as a Manager. My parents came and escorted me across the gym, where I received flowers and big cheers from the awesome CH spirit crowd. The gift bag we got was pretty nice. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a manager and have such great friends through the team. CH BASKETBALL IS GOING TO STATE! At Weber this Monday.
It was also International week, and I was able to present the South Korea flag in our school assembly. The mic was terribly quiet and you couldn't hear anything anyone said. I stuttered and walked off the stage with my hand covering my mouth, I do embarrassing things, right? My friend Chantel presented Peru and all you could hear from her presentation was, "...LAKE TITICACA!" Because the mic suddenly got loud at that end part. I was hoping for more of a reaction from the audience. C'mon, a lake with the words titi and caca in it, aren't high school kids supposed to be immature? Guess it wasn't dirty enough.
One of my friends on a mission, Elder Colby Erickson (STUD), wrote me back this week too. Goll, that kid is too great. He's going to be a great missionary.
On a lesser note, My brother and I may be forced to live with my Dad. Oh the joys of having parents who are divorced? I also had the worst time at work and left early. I need to get out of there.
Now, Im just CHEEEELLIN at the hospital I volunteer at. I have two bags of sour gummy worms and Peachy O's that I got from the hospital cafeteria for freeeee!

This week is going to be too LEEEGIT.
State basketball game on Monday.
Sleep in on Tuesday because the Juniors are taking the ACT.
University of Utah housing tour on Friday!!! That's definitely the best part :) Im moving out!!

"Wanna Hear a joke?......KAREN!"

You wanna hear a story? Let me tell you a story. Okay, here's the story, forreal. I like to call it "When Creepers Attack."
Last night, at this place I call "work," there was a table of three guys who I had to serve.
At first I thought they were all special since they didn't answer my questions:
"How are you guys doing tonight?"
"Have you eaten here before?""
Then later on, the scariest one asked
"So, do you speak Japanese?"
"Im Korean."
So by the time that they left, my manager came over and told me that one of them wanted to make sure that I had seen the tips they left. 6 dollar bills on the table. One of them with a number scribbled on it, signed "Cal."
Really? Six dollars? If you really loved me, you would have left me at least $100 in tips, then maybe I would have given your number to some other girl. But instead.....I gave it to Apple...who is old and very scary. Now I will never call you, Cal, which is probably short for "Calvin" which is one of the worst names ever. I don't even know which one of the unfortunate boys was you.

Rules Don't Stop Me, Fuhhhget Abowwt It.

You know when you kind of like this guy, and you think you have it all to yourself and under control, but turns out that everyone and their cat knows that you are crushing bad for this guy? IT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME, and Im so embarrassed. So I've been avoiding this guy like the plague and I can't face any of these people. Oh my, what did I get myself into. I keep telling myself that I'll be out of high school in no time and thrown into a college where absolutely no one knows me and I'll get to put this all junk in a grave. Until that day, my name is Shawanda and Im a foreign exchange student from Saskatchewan who doesn't know any better.

Another thing I have experienced - Fairweather friends. For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, it refers to those friends who are there when it benefits them and everything's jolley and fun, but disappear when heavier issues come up; those friends who are only friends when it's all laughs. But in all Reality, they are flakey, unreliable, two-faced people. This is not my favorite flavor of friends. That leaves just you and me, bloggy ol' pal. I will tell you all my secrets.

NIKKI MINAJ - SAVE ME. On repeat all the live long day. Cannot help myself.

Tonight is Senior night for basketball. I get to walk across the gym with the boys, I feel kind of cool. I wish I could have gotten closer to these guys. I've been a basketball manager for three years and don't feel the least bit appreciated or needed by them. So why have I done it for so long? Really dunno. Pretty sure I'll miss Junior Varsity more than I will the players in my own grade. It was fun for the most part, and I got a CHURCHload of volunteer hours from it.

I Like to Gag on Days Like This.

My mom has no soul. Imagine her saying this, with a face like this - ___ -
"Happy Valentine's Day. You're cleaning the bathrooms tonight."
THEN...she goes into my brother's room, "Good Morning, son!! Happy Valentine's Day!"
What an outrage.
Despite the nasty PDA couples making out in the hallway, the excess of girls dressed extra hoochie-esque, and stuffed animals and flowers everywhere, I lived. I have no doubt that these kids think that  V-day means vagina day. High school is so worthless sometimes. Some of my friends decided to have roses sent to one of our friends as a joke, but have it from some creepy guy named Ian.

"Dearest Adam,
You have such a nice bod.
I think Im in love with you.
Text me, babe
Love, Ian"

Sounds convincing to me. Now we wait until he gets the roses delivered to him in class. Public Humiliation, in a good way.

Now let me tell you about how the Sweethearts dance went....50% fail. But thank you, Carson Hoch, for being such a good sport about the crazy, unplanned confusion that our group went through. Although, having a MARSHMALLOW GUN FIGHT for our day activity?! How original can you get, I hoped he loved it as much as me. You were hot stuff until you said you hated the taste of rice. Then you got on a whole new level when you asked if it was "Hand-fried rice or Ham fried rice." I laughed a lot, but I think it was more at you than with you. We can still be friends cause I like you that much.  

Can I just say the I love Orem to pieces? Visiting my best friend last night was great, but it was strange how quiet it was without her roommate M'Kaaylie. Everyone was hoping she'd put on a tight shirt and do some youtube worthy dancing for our dessert portion of the night. But instead, we had cream puffs. Which I guess are just as good.
Pics up soon!

"Real G's stay silent like lasagna."

Natasha Bedingfield Has a Brother Who's Better Than Her.

She has a brother. He sings.
Everyone knows that song, "I gotta get through this, I gotta through this, I gotta make it, gotta make it, gotta make it throuuuuugh." My goodness! Daniel Bedingfield. He also sings another song that everyone knows, I just can't remember. He has ADHD, apparently. And you can tell in that song. I just discovered all this today. Too bad she got the fail genes.

Just waiting for my dress to arrive. I hope it comes tomorrow! And that it's not ugly! So I can buy the rest of the junk that goes with it and be done. I'm debating on a spray tan....but orange is not going to match.

I'm trying not be stressed, but I so aaaaaam! I need to go into a coma right now!! The sleep would be nice, ha.
Tomorrow: Basketball game, buy boutanierre, get rest of stuff for dress (if it comes), work on two essays.
Saturday: Work all dang day. Need to buy velcro Reebok grandma shoes so my feet don't hurt, sheesh.
Sunday: Volunteer at hospital 9am-1. Church from 1-2 so I can beee with the loooord. Laundry. FINISH ESSAYS!!!, study for geo test, visit my dad, visit Miyuki.
Monday: TAXES or else!, deposit checks, work for Felianne ("Hey how are you? How was school? :) So can you work for me monday?" GAAAY way to ask), CRAM STUDY.
Tuesday: Physician's Assistant job shadow and English essay due at the same time, then basketball game.
Wednesday: Sophomore orientation 3:30-8pm. Must find a cultural activity to go to for school.
Thursday: Volunteer at elementary school, work all night, my feet start crying.
Friday: Basketball game, turn in job application to the Oval, sign up for U of U orientation, then FML .
Saturday: Sweethearts. More FML.

If I don't come out alive. Just know. That I really liked eating cereal and I want to be buried with it.

"Everyboy Dies, But Not Everybody Lives"

I'm thinking about getting a Blogspot account, because it seems you can do more on it. But, of course, I'm too lazy to start all over on a new blog -___-
Today, I went and visited some of my favorite teachers from Sunset Ridge Middle School. I ended up crying after seeing Mrs. Richmond, I honestly just love that woman! She wants me to send her a graduation invitiation so she and my old 8th grade English teacher can mail me presents, crazy ladies. I had all these weird flashbacks of when I was at that school, and now I'm not ready to grow up! Dang, graduation in exactly four months and a day.
I ended up taking a two hour nap today, and I have a feeling I'll be up late. Maybe I'll get hit with some motivation to do my 5 page essay....naaaahhhh who'm I kiddin'.

My friends Evan and Spencer have the honor of making me some CD's. Since my laptop crashed, I haven't been able to do anything through iTunes, much less update my iPod. I've lost my music library, again :( I'm preeeeettty excited to hear some new stuff, so these mixes better be good. THREATS.

I miss being in Orem. My friends make living there seem so fun and easy. I just hope that when it comes time for me to move out, it'll be the cat's pajamas and more.

I paid tithing for my second time ever, and I've had a job for how long??? I best be paying it every month from now on. Just throw the Bible at my face if I fail to do so.

Trying to become more spiritual. Guess being inactive does that to a person.
I was looking for some new background pictures on Google and I came across this Asian masterpiece. It reminds me of my BFF Miyuki, yaaah!
I say she's the one on the right, since she's known for her big hair. So that leaves me as the one on the left. I don't look this Asian, but the general concept is there. 

I kind of want to get back in to art?
Believe it or not, I used to paint and junk.

The Office is Like Warm Milk on a Rainy Day After You Stub Your Pinky Toe.
It's that good.
Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Romanian, Baby!

I. Hate. Boys. All of them. Mostly because I'm upset, since normally I think about boys 60% of the time.
There was I guy I one thought was cute, but turned out to be a failure. Don't you hate that? I am so glad I didn't get involved, thanks to Shelbie Bonner who was his most recent victim. Cocky, rude, Romanian, threatening son of biscuit. Which brings me to another thing I hate, boys who only want "ur number" cause "ur hot." NO ONE should text like that ever. UR so gay if U do.
Orem boys, you're not impressing me at all. Except you, Taylor Funk, you're alright.

So I've been doing this new thing called eating healthy. I kind of sorta want a rippling six pack and a tight arse for swimsuit season. My flying squirrel arm flab can turn into guns any time now. But, I eat any food in front of me. For example: Tonight I went to Leatherbys and ate a choco-peanut butter milkshake, a side of fudge, and a basket of fries. True story, and Im going to hate myself in the morning. I love greasy, sugary, fatty food and I admit it fully. I just hope that when my cellulite has cellulite, you will do Jenny Craig with me. Then Nutrisystem.

I also caught my date to Sweethearts answering me back! Way too awkward and way too funny. Of course, it's just my luck. I was pulling into my neighborhood after going to the gym and saw two of my friends plus my date standing in my driveway. One of the boys tried to walk away covering his face, poor soul. I got out of my car and didn't know what else to do, so told them that I "didn't see anything." and went inside. 2 minutes later, they doorbell ditched my house, leaving a box of a dozen doughnuts -____-  I THINK I'M ON A DIET, GOOD HEAVENS. On the top of the box it said... "I dough-nut want to go...." MY ASIAN MOM FLIPPED A B-WORD cause she thought he said no. But shaaaabamalang, on the inside it said..." .....with anyone but you." Too cute.

As for tonight, my friends do this one thing where they steal cones from the driving range at school. Then, they go to other friends's houses and put them on top of their car. Dude, surprise. Then whoever has the cone has to sneakily put it another person's house/car. It's a never ending game of stupid entertainment.
One of the boys during the basketball game pranked me good when he ate the bottom of his paper cup out and handed it to me to refill. I obviously didn't notice anything different until I tried to fill it up. Gatorade ran right through the cup. They laughed. I turned red. That's my life. 

Just a thought, I've never had a charly horse. I wonder how it feels.

I Have a Disease. It's Called Shopping.

$29.99 deaaal! For my next semi formal dance, is this a yes or no? Picture it with a cute, thin belt around the waistband...cause I kinda already bought it. I love it cause it's simple, classy, and I can use it for other occasions! I found this on an indie/vintage clothing website called modcloth. They have the cutest dresses! Let's just hope it's not scam. Dear Shopping Lords, don't be so.

No Sleep Tonight. Or any ever, as of late.

Slumbering at the Miyuki & Co. Residence in Wolverine Crossing. Everyone I love should just live there and we'd have our own community of celebrities. It's going to happen. There were some cute boys in her church, and I got zero of them. It's because I dropped my bread during Sacrament and disrrupted the house of the Lord. I am unholy. Thank you, bread boy, for later coming to the apartment and making me relive the moment as you canoodled with the girl who sat next to me. I love you, guy.
On the bright side, I missed you Ben Black and Fergie Ferg. Please, take me to the gym with you so I can laugh at you guys building muscle together.
I also have been spending quality time with the Brooke Gang; hot tubbing, Mario Karting, Eating out for every Meal-ing, laughin' n joking, and planning our senior trip to LAKE POWELL. It's cool to socialize with people sometimes, ya know? Cause things like this happen. 
I screeched at customers all day today. I sound like a post-pubescent boy when I lose my voice. I also saw this guy who looked like Justin Bieber. Tina ("...you fat lard, come eat your dinner.") WOULD get this guy's number. 
Everytime I work with her she A L W A Y S gets at least one number, I love it cause she's ballsy, but hate it because she makes it hard for the apparently uglier coworkers to get a chance. The one time I ever got a number was from this gay boy who came to eat with his Grandma. He wore running shoes. You know how I feel about running shoes.
Oh Lord, and this new girl was a piece of work. Here's our first conversation:
New Girl "So, what are your hobbies?"
Me "Uhh....I like to hang out....play sports..."
New Girl CUTTING in "I was on the basketball team, I was on the swim team, I play lacrosse, I was in art club, I paint, I draw, I'm just the jack of all trades." 

Cause I really just asked her about herself.
In my mind, I threw rubber chickens at her face.

Can I just say...
that I never get to sleep in?
And it's starting to affect me in weird ways.

Using "I" Messages and Other Random Thoughts.

Can I just tell you what I hate?
Cause I'm going to tell you what I hate.

- Pink, the singer. I hate all her songs. Especially the one that says, "what's the dealio" and "if you're too school for cool." Especially hearing it at work every 30 minutes.
-Speaking of work. I hate work. Explains itself.
-People at school who park in places that aren't parking spots. I'm going to Tokyo Drift all over their cars.
- New Years Resolutions. I never follow through unless it's, "set a new year's resolution to eat healthy and go to the gym....then lie in bed knowing you're a complete failure after eating Christmas Candy, cereal, and bagels all day." I followed through with that one.
-Being hungry. I couldn't live as a homeless person.
-Fat skater shoes or running shoes worn with outfits, especially on guys. The only girl who wants to kiss you is your mom.  

From this point on, I will not be a negative nancy hate-list maker. (As I lie in bed the next night thinking of all the things that I hate.) 

HALLELUJJAAAH, HALLELUJAHHHH, HALLELUJAH, HALLELUUUUUUU-YUHH. First semester is over and now I have a lot of time to kill. I love this part of the year.

I made a noose with my apron string and hung my pinky finger at work today. It's getting bad there.
I like how Pat, the dishwasher, texts: Aitt cool talk to yu latr...good nyt.
Heck yeah, Pat.
Jennie the chef told me what "Skeet skeet" means. Only after I said it to the entire world of Facebook, innocently. Oops. I blame the YingYang Twins and their song "Get Low" for making me say dirty things.
P.S. I love Braze Frisch's email address: [email protected]

I'm just learning to play my uke, wishing I had a wonderful singing voice to go a long with it.
I really enjoy all the new friends I made this year, just shoutin' out.
However, I really, truly miss YOU. I'd step in front of a train for ya, put my hand on a blad for ya, you know who you are.
I'd also like to say that the last basketball game against Wasatch Academy was sad. We lost to a 1A school of foreigners. But on the bright side, I saw the most Asians I had ever seen on a sports team before. You could just see the Calculus running through their brains as they made shots. Sucky shots. The bus ride home was too legit. I love the boys, end of story.

Time for night night.
RIP Jose Ceballos. I never knew you, but Im sure you were Bad-A.


Had a wonderful weekend!
-Temple Square with the BFF, her roommates, and Bridger
-Got asked to Snowball! Ahh so excited
-Work and homework
That didn't make my weekend wonderful.
I've been filling out scholarships galore, and Im just about to explode. I better get AT LEAST one of them.
Dang, I missed free pie today at Village Inn -_-
I went to my school's dance concert on Monday. There's always that ONE creepy dance that's just like "no comment" when it's done. I got to hang out with some new friends afterward, however. I love making new friends :)
There's a basketball game today, I'm just about to leave and go to it.
But I should probably go to the library first to pick up some books for my research paper. FML.
How do Mexicans like to play soccer?

Can't wait for Christmas break!!!

Max Hall Hates Me And I Like It!

I've been accepted at the University of Utah! I'm way too excited and way too nervous! I appreciate all the congratulations, thanks :) I just wish all my family and good friends weren't so far away from me! That's one thing I'll never get over. The BYU and UVU area is such a good place to be.
On the other hand, happy first day of December, only 24 more days until Christmas!! I need to go Christmas shopping lickity split, before all the good gift items are gone. I've been listening to holiday music all day. I also managed to wake up at 7am instead of 6:30, which meant I was late for school. Super great. Can't handle those basketball game late nights yet :/ CHHS is kicking toosh though, having won the first preseason game.

Other news:
I might be going to Hawaii for my birthday with my daddy!
I also might be going to Korea with my mommy over the summer!
Crossing my fingers.

Goodness Gravy, Child

Hot dang.
Thanksgiving was beautiful.
Until I got sick and blew up.
True story. Now whenever I think of turkey or pie, I get the chills. Good think Thanksgiving comes once a year, I think i'll have recovered by next year. I hope all your Thanksgiving festivities were delicious. Thanks for all the Thanksgiving texts also, I loved them.
I was really hoping to participate in Black Friday this year, for the first time. Black Friday doesn't exactly exist in Ely, Nevada, but we went shopping here anyway and I ended up buying nailpolish from the Family Dollar, which doesn't really sell things for $1.00. The rest of the day's been filled with crafts, food, and ridiculous conversation. My fingernails look like Christmas ornaments and my toes have red U's on them for the UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. Rivalry game tomorrow. I love both schools, however. I miss all my friends in Utah and my Momma, they're all partying without me! I haven't even been able to see my wonderful Ely friends, since most of them are working/out of town/lazy. I MISSED YOU GUYS TOO! Goll.....syke.
I watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World last night:
"Break out the L word."
"No, the other L word."
I'm in Lesbians with you.
Too awkward to watch with the family, but funny nonetheless.
My laptop charger has been dead for a while; trying to conserve the last amount of battery juice I have.

Christmas season is finally here! I'm dying to set up the tree, I'll have to do that when I get back in SLC.
 I just rhymed unintentionally.

Things I am thankful for:

- My family
- My warm, snuggly home
- Oil absorbing sheets; without these, my face would reflect like tin foil. Curse you people with good skin
- The entire aisle at Walmart designated to a variety of breakfast cereals that I love
- All the friends I've made that have stayed close to me, as well as all the new ones I've made during the summer and during this school year
- My job. Even though I hate it, Im so thankful that Miyuki was able to help me get it and that Im able to make some money to spend and save!! I wouldn't be able to have food, clothes, or gas without the dirty fish tips I make 
- The New Century Program for helping me get ahead in schooling and paying for my college
- Ely, Nevada cause it's cool sometimes
- The CH basketball team. Cause they're actually kind good, ya know?

Time Flies When There's Pie Involved. 

I'm ashamed that I've neglected this blog for so long.
So Miyuki, "I made this (blog entry) for you."

It is now officially Basketball season, as well as terrible weather season. Although, the shirts and skins might have made up for the terrible weather part....don't look at me like you wouldn't agree. The team should do SPECTACULAR this season. First preseason game: canceled due to a blizzard. It's Utah. That's all.

This blog site doesn't believe in the "tab" key. Just saying.
I applied at the University of Utah, I hope to get in! Mostly because I didn't bother applying anywhere else. It's the U or nothin'. Now, for scholarships. Im avoiding all the ones with essays for now. Ew.
Conversation about scholarships at work:
Carly -"There's a scholarship for basically anything these days. If you like hot dogs, you could probably get a scholarship for that."
Danny -"Why doesn't someone give me a scholarship for being gay?! I'm a homo that wants to learn, and they won't give me money."
Ohhhh Danny, a wiener scholarship is probably the closest you'll get to a Gay scholarship.

Sadie Hawkins was just a few weeks ago, and it was THE best dance I had ever been to. Thank you to a hilarious and fun date (Jacob in the Granny suit below) and a wonderful group! I've never laughed, danced, and eaten so much in my life. Thank goodness for comfy pajama themed dances, I needed room to expand.
This is how the whole asking-portion went:
Me "If you GOTTA GO, go with me!" plus toilet paper all over classroom, plus candy.
Him "I just had to RUNS to tell you yes!" plus poster left on doorstep, plus "Yes" written in chocolate.
My fault for starting the toilet theme.
Snow ball is up next. Rule number 1 about dances: my date HAS TO dance. Like a fool. The dance is ugly sweater themed. I've been waiting for that day all my life.

As for BIGGER and BETTER news, Thanksgiving is in TWO DAYS. I will be in Ely, Nevada for the entire weekend, eating like there's no tomorrow. I hope you recognize me with an additional 50 pounds attached. Too bad my Ely friends will either be working, out of town, or too lame to spend much time with me. But I have 9 different home made pies waiting for me, I think I'll be okay. The temperature over there will be in the negatives, that's for sure. Good thing I have tube socks.

Check my music section! I've updated it with a bunch of new junk.


Wrinkles Are the First Sign of Aging.

I had my senior pictures taken yesterday by the talented Allie Ogden. I finally feel like I've grown up a little. They turned out really well, I'll post some to see. If you want any pictures done, I can gladly hook you up! 

Looking forward to a jam-packed weekend! 

More to come!

Hey, Punk

I've never felt as accomplished as I do now! Turned in my graduation applications to SLCC and got my credit transfers all set up today (I get TWO graduations next year!) Boy, am I getting ahead of myself. And can I just say that my dad is the greatest? I appreciate all his love and support in helping me through high school and college, I know it's been so complicated and expensive. I also ordered all my graduation stuff, hopefully you'll all get invites and BE there :)
During lunch today Dan The Man Wilson shared a little tidbit of information with me: I almost was asked to homecoming by Adam, but I guess he chickened out last minute. People who don't follow through neeeeeed some help, cause that would have been the greatest night ever.
Time to do some homework and catch up on episodes of Teen Mom. Im really diggin' World of Jenks. He's somewhat of a hunk, in a nerdy way, and his documentaries are pretty legit. 

When she said "herbs" with the "h," I knew it was over.

Such a relaxing Sunday night roaming the South Jordan temple grounds and Daybreak Lake. I want to be married in the Temple someday. Thank you Bridger, for your sweet-ace stories and for taking me around; it's just what I needed. We're the coolest cats left in SLC, since everyone has gone. I wish I had brought my camera.

Here's to the Nights We Felt Alive.

What a crazy Labor Day Weekend/school week. I've never written so many papers in a weekend. I can tell there's plenty more x10 to come throughout the year. I got to spend 24 jolly good hours in Orem visiting Miyuki. I guess I was lucky enough to meet the crazier of her four roommates, wowzaah. I wonder if Taffy girl wakes up to Josh Groban every morning....Her being the one singing "You raise me up," not Josh. On the other hand, I ran into some good ol' pals from previous years at CHHS at the Wolverine Crossing pool! (The greatest Polynesian, Elder Morgan Malohifo'ou, is going to Brisbane, Australia in November! Yay, mate.)
And then there was Mikey. Thanks for taking up a chunk of the 24 hours I had to spend with Miyuki. Your roommates are hunky, though, but I think you're on my poop list. Life goes on.
Since Provo is kiddy-corner to Orem, I got to visit my favorite cousins Marci and Mitchell Wright as well as the Provo gang (Alec, Musashi, David, etc.) Mitchell introduced me to this great burger joint called Sammy's, goooo there! And Marci, I want to sleep in your King sized bed and talk about boys all night long!

Other news of the week, I saved my dad today by giving up my little half an hour lunch period to run him jumper cables to save his dead car. He owes me dinner (his words, not mine.) And my friend Colton is gone to Japan as of yesterday. I don't know how I feel about it. He never told me goodbye, but then I guess I always expect too much. I'll still miss you but only just a baby bit.

My laptop should be back TOMORROW! Pictures, pictures, pictures. 

This was the last shebang of summer, Fall here we come.
"Here's to the nights we felt alive; here's to the tears we knew we'd cry; Here's to tonight, tomorrow's gonna come too soon..." Oh, Eve 6, I wish you guys were still a hit.


So this is the new year, and I don't feel any different. 
                               No one said it better than Death Cab.

Long time no blog. I've decided to start off fresh; maybe I can keep up with it this time. School came too, too fast. As soon as I was back, it felt like I never left! But luckily I can say that this summer was probably the best I've had thus far. The past three months have been chock-full of Miyuki Stewart, SLCC summer courses, concerts, shopping, frozen yogurt, swimming, meeting great new people, and many days in Provo. Summer of 2010 did not disappoint! As far as unfortunate news goes, I'm feeling a serious case of senioritis and school's only been in for a week, and my favorite friend now lives 45 minutes away from me in UVU land; I hope you're having the time of your life and it was great seeing you today! Even more unfortunate, my laptop has ceased to function and I won't see it for another week (My mom's Macbook Pro is smarter than me, I can't wait until my oh-so-fancy Dell is back home.)

Did I tell you i went hiking?...for the second time ever. It was an interesting way to officially end summer. It wasn't the cute follow-the-trail type hike, I was climbing over boulders. So that automatically makes me Survivorman, right? But in all honesty, I was the most pathetic being there. Less than five minutes into the "journey," I slipped in the river and managed to get the lower half of my body soaked, as well as losing one of my socks to the river. "I didn't know the bottom would be slippery!" Really, Karen? Man, did I chafe. I did learn a few things though: don't wear shorts on a rough trail (my legs are entirely cut up,) and when Colton asks you if you want to turn back...don't try to be a Bad-A and stiff it out, just turn back the third time he asks. But still, it was a good experience.

Copper High School, Class of 2011, baby!
"The impossible is possible."
Now uhh, let's graduate already.


Hiking Little Cottonwood with Colt. Very soggy river shorts you have there, Kar.


It was all worth it in the end.