Home Is Right Out Your Window


Made you look...

Life Goals

1. Meet someone FAMOUS. (Chiggity check, I met SARA (or was it Tegan?...) from Tegan & Sara.)
2. Give/donate food to 1000 starving children.
3. Earn a Master's Degree in whatever area of study I FINALLY decide. Make that two degrees.
4. Earn a temple recommend, so I can....
5. .....Get married in a temple. 
6. Never break a bone.
7. Get a dog from the shelter. Name it Tofu.
8. Adopt a child.
9. Design and sew my very own outfit.
10. Visit my family in Korea.
11. Learn to hula dance.
12. Find 50 different ways to incorporate cereal into legit meals.
12. See an actual huuuuge, lumpy, ugly whale without having the urge to say "I want my mommy." 
13. Go camping for the first time.

My List of 30... Good 'n Bad

1. Cars that get in a merging lane JUST so they can speed up and cut off the whole line of cars in the next lane. Road rage? Just a little.
2. When you go to a store to pick up something, but they're out or the only one left is all beat up.
3. Finding cookies in the pantry, but the box is empty.
4. People who make reservations 5 minutes before they get to the restaurant.
5. When your lips freeze and turn purple. Maybe I'm the only one?....
6. Running out of pen juice while writing.
7. Trying to remember something all day, then it finally comes to you right before you go to bed.
8. The word, "Bosom."
9. That person in your class who has the same name as you.
10. What did you forget? (Straitener, curling iron, turn off bedroom light, close the garage.)
11. Dropping something on the ground; never finding it again. Mainly my jewelry.
12. Too hot tea = the feeling after a tongue burn.
13. Waking up to see that a blizzard just ate your car...and your good day.
14. Where are my keys!!!!!
15. Public speaking.
Now, Ready for the happy stuff?...
16. Passing through every green light.
17. That one car that let's you in.
18. Letting your friend have the last piece of whatever you're sharing.
19. Saying "Keep the change."
20. Getting compliments on your oufit when you threw it together in under 30 seconds.
21. Actually burying something to see if it's really "biodegradable." Like the Yogurtland spoons.
22. "That's what she said."
23. A purple-orange sky and freshly cut grass ~ SUMMER!
24. Picking something out on the clearance rack., then finding out that there's an extra discount when it goes through the register.
25. Running into someone you missed and haven't seen in years.
26. Finding words in wordsearch puzzles that aren't even on the list.
27. Getting letters in the mail.
28. Clean bedding!
29. Good hair days.
30. Squeezing the last bit of shampoo out of the empty bottle; wooo, you made it through one more shower.
"Don't put a question mark where the Lord put a period."
Utes Fall of 2011.
I hide my plate of veggies from my mom so I can have dessert.
Work hard now, be a cat hoarder later cause I focused too much on my education and never got married. Psych.
Bargain Shop. Eat cereal. DVR things. Concerts. Volunteer service. Ma, pops, sometimes my turdy bro. Kimchi. Provo & Orem and all my friends and family there.
